Common types of student accommodation
Halls of residence
Resulting from the vast array of benefits students can gain from residing in University-owned halls of residence, places in such accommodation remain in huge demand. A significant portion of university students choose to live out their first year of studies within halls of residence, electing to gain significantly from the community feel and social wealth that many students have reported is on offer in this environment.
With a broad selection of accommodation standards at hand, there will certainly be something to suit your personal preferences and monetary requirements. Options range from catered to self-catered; shared bathrooms to en suite.
Students, past and present, have acclaimed how the community feel and abundant social life gained from living Halls have assisted in their adjustment to independent living. Additionally, the proximity of Halls to shops, lecture halls and gyms may ease this process. Living with a tight group of friends within proximity to university services and facilities provides an ample support system.
Taking up an offer of a place in Halls accommodation in your first year can deduct much of the stress of house-hunting without University support and brings in a supportive and social bubble of like-minded students.
This option, however, is very high in demand, meaning it is often available only to first year students, with only around a third of applications resulting in an accommodation offer.
ready to find an arrangement if you ask them nicely in advance (not guaranteed).

House/flat share
Many universities offer a housing arrangement whereby the student can rent out a room from a private landlord, with the liaison between the two parties tackled by the university. This accommodation option offers the more independent feel that many university students crave, with the simultaneous safety net of university-led contact between student and landlord.
Such an arrangement is the customary choice of university students, more so amongst second-year students, as many live out their first year in Halls before transitioning into this arrangement. Adjusting into a University-liaised house-share after a year in Halls can make a smoother transition for the younger student, however if you are not given the opportunity to live in Halls, or choose not to, the fact of sharing with a group of other university students can be just as much of a comfort.

Private sector halls of residence
Brought about by the huge demand for accommodation for university students, private sector halls of residence are a relatively new attachment to the plethora of lodging options for students. Private halls tend to be based on the same principles as those of University-owned halls of residence – communal areas, shared bathrooms etc. – except they are not limited to students from specific universities.

Private flat
A small portion of students choose to rent out an entire flat for themselves. Students who opt to rent out a private flat may seek a lifestyle of more privacy and independence, or may have suffered negative experiences through having shared a house or flat with other students.
Despite the upsides of living alone, the main deal-breaker is the often extortionate prices associated with renting out a private flat; such accommodation often turns out to be the most expensive option for students.

Host-families / Home-stay
Students can also choose to live with a “host family”. Some students rent out rooms in family houses within the proximity of their university. Students who opt for a home-stay benefit both from the familiarity and comfort that living in another family home brings, along with the opportunity to experience one of the many lifestyles, cultures and perspectives that host families come from. This type of accommodation is more popular among pre-university students.